November 2, 2010 Ballot Prop. 26

Proposition 26: Increases vote requirements for fees and charges

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 4,923,834 (52.5%)
No votes: 4,470,234 (47.5%)

The definition of taxes would be broadened to include many payments currently considered to be fees or charges. As a result, more state and local proposals to increase revenues would require approval by two-thirds of each house of the Legislature or by local voters.

Pro/Con Statements

Supporters say that Proposition 26 would stop state and local politicians from raising hidden taxes on goods like food and gas, by disguising taxes as “fees” and circumventing constitutional requirements for passing higher taxes. They claim that Proposition 26 preserves California’s strong environmental and consumer laws and protects taxpayers and consumers from hidden taxes.
Opponents say that big oil, tobacco, and alcohol corporations want Californians to pay for the damages they cause. The claim that Proposition 26 was written behind closed doors and without public input, and that it would protect polluters.
No on Prop. 26